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Play Indies #5 - Oh Deer

Oh Deer

Release Date: June 27, 2024

Platforms: Steam

Genres: Horror, Multiplayer, Party Game

Cost: $9.99

Developer: Cozy Cabin Studios

Publisher: Cozy Cabin Studios

Bear With Me...

Absolutely Hilarious!

A super easy to learn, quick session, party game. For those who are fans of detection, sleuth, or betrayal type party games, this is for you. Oh Deer takes the idea of prop hunt, turns even sillier, and ends in horror. Deer have to do their best distracting by eating very loudly and farting their way across the map while hiding from Hunters before they transform into Wendigos and slaughter the Hunters.

Streamers need to play this.

A group of players enter a lobby and are divided out into 2 teams, hunters & deer. Playing as a Hunter is simple, find the players disguised as Deer amongst the AI Deer before time is up. Hunters have a couple of abilities unique to them in order to detect real players while Deer have abilities that allow them to attempt survival. Deer however need to eat so that they don't reveal their location. If any Deer survive the round, they transform into Wendigo and have a very short amount of time to slaughter the Hunters before they escape.

Lobbies of Oh Deer with a streamer and their community is just filled with tons of hilarious moments. Absolutely recommended for content creators that strictly play community focused games or have a regularly scheduled community play session.

Take A Look!

Final Thoughts

If you couldn't tell from my earlier statements, Oh Deer is the game for you if you're into party games or if you are a content creator that plays games with their community. There are so many fun moments to experience and many laughs to be had.

Secondly, at the time of writing this article I've learned that the devs have added a bunch of maps so that you can have new environments rotating through your sessions! And on top of the new maps their is a % chance that you run into special game modes when you queue into a session! Always wonderful to hear indie devs continuing to add onto their games over time! For $10, you absolutely can't go wrong!

Pick up the game. Give this article a like. Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts, especially if you bought it or played it!


About Play Indies

Honestly, I'm just a guy on the internet writing about indie games. My name is Keith, but people know me as Bighungry2x, and I've been working in the video game industry for about 10 years now. My career ranges from Community Management, to QA, to Production, and I've had the privilege to work at some really cool places like Xbox & tinyBuild. My goal here with Play Indies is to just write about games that don't get enough of the spotlight.

If you're an indie dev and you'd like your game to appear in the blog, reach out! I am also more than happy to help promo your new Updates, DLCs, Titles, or even just give away keys to your game to my readers!

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