You either know me as Keith or Bighungry2x. Or maybe you don't know me at all...

Hello! Whether you know me or not, I thank you for the time you are spending here taking a look at my site. Please consider simply saying hi on social media or reaching out via email if there is anything I can do for you.
For those that don't know me, here's the elevator pitch of my life...
As a kid I grew up knowing I needed to work in video games, which lead me to graduating a game development program in college. Risking every dollar I had saved, I moved to Seattle from South Florida and landed a job as QA at Xbox. I later started streaming full time as Bighungry2x and became one of the Top 10 streamers on Mixer. Eventually I joined tinyBuild as their Community Manager & Producer working on 25+ games. And now, I've joined NantGames leading the charge of Commmunity & Social on their first massive project.